Gabi Martínez

Gabi Martínez, born in Barcelona in 1971, is an author whose works have been translated in 10 countries, adapted to various formats, and received numerous awards and recognitions. Notable books include his non-fiction Sólo para gigantes [Only for Giants] Un cambio de verdad [A True Change], Lagarta [Lizardess] and Las defensas [The Defences]. His latest work, Delta (Seix Barral), was chosen as the best book of 2023 by literary magazine WMagazine. Martínez was featured in the “Colombian massif” episode of the documentary series Finding Encanto, which won a Dolphin at the Cannes Festival.  He’s the director of the LiterNatura Festival and co-director of the Invisible Animals project.

IG: @gabimartinezvoy

X: @GabiMartnez