Eva Espinosa
Eva Espinosa, born in Barcelona in 1963, is an author, literary critic and translator who also works on photography, illustration and bookbinding projects, which she shares on social media. She holds an undergraduate degree in art history from the University of Barcelona and studied at the Ateneu Barcelonès writing school. Winner of awards such as the 2014 Núvol for short stories, her work has been featured in the anthologies Iceberg, Iceberg 2, Extraordinàries [Extraordinary Women] Llegendaris, relats de por i misteri [Legends: Stories of Fear and Mystery] and she also participated in the Emotionage, micrografías y emociones [Emotionage: Micrographs and Emotions] project as a photographer. She contributes to the Nosolocine.net programme Todo cultura as a literary critic. Her novel Miràbilis was published in 2023 (Males Herbes).
IG: @ pendragon_white @pendragon_black
X: @Eva_Espi_nosa