Seminari - Kao malo vode na dlanu (Com una mica d’aigua al palmell de la mà), un projecte sobre l’amor a Sèrbia

The life projects of Mireia Sallarès live for a time in the exhibition space, accompanied by the conversations commenced during her extended stays and researches abroad. These conversations are not only at the centre of almost all her exhibitions; they also overflow into encounters, talks and film screenings. This seminar on love sets out to collectively open out the questions we need to ask ourselves about love but don't know how to – the questions we have to think in order to provide ourselves with tools and learn what we need to know, which the project Kao malo vode na dlanu has held, sustained, like water in the palm of the hand: like those questions that are hard to deal with, that slip through our fingers. In dialogue with anthropologists and feminists, translators and writers, philosophers and documentarists, lawyers and activists, artists and curators, cooperativists and ecofeminists, the seminar get-togethers will explore proprietary/possessive love, revolutionary love, free love and liberated love, the pains of love, committed loves and polyamories, love of self and love of the other…

Free seminar with limited number of places.

The sessions will be held in the exhibition space at the Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona – Fabra i Coats and in one instance at the Filmoteca de Catalunya.

For compulsory advance registration, either for the entire seminar or for individual sessions, please email​
