Jardins Francesc Masclans


First prize


José Lacruz Vela

This proposal works on many levels, with the green and the solar panels, but above all it gives a touch of colour to the entrance to the square, the access door that frames both sides. These aspects make it very different from other proposals. The jury finds the choice of ceramic very interesting, because it is a very intricate and pleasant material, which provides a very vivid yellow colour that will last. They consider this proposal to be very daring, and they wish to highlight the colour it will bring to the city, as well as the vegetation that will grow randomly; it is precisely this randomness that makes it a unique design.

Second prize

Píxel Ecosystem

Álvaro González Serrano

The jury highlights the tectonic quality of the proposal composed in layers, in which the metal structure generates these “pixels” that allow the greenery and the solar panels to accommodated. The structure offers a lot of freedom for the owners to open windows, as it is an independent element of the part wall.

Third prize


Francisca Gual Ors & Sergi Pérez Gil

An action of urban suture that combines both facades to create a new entrance to the gardens of Francesc Masclans and Girvès. The jury considers that it is a flexible proposal in terms of facade openings and the final finish of the greenery, which generates lively and changing facades throughout the year.

Information of the blind wall

Quetzal St. 5-7 and 17-21


The site is located in the Jardí de Francesc Masclans i Girvès, a garden named after this Catalan botanist, who was born in the neighbourhood and compiled the common names of Catalan flora.

This garden is located within the block formed by the streets Rambla de Badal, Carrer de la Constitució, Carrer de la Riera Blanca and Carrer del Quetzal in the Sants-Montjuïc district. The entrance to this garden is located between Carrer del Quetzal 5-7 and 17-21.

The proposed set of party walls face the garden in the area closest to the entrance and are perpendicular to the entrance. Both party walls face each other.

Requirements Quetzal 5-7

C1 New façade composition
C2 Construction and thermal performance renovation
S1 Habitability improvements in the dwellings, opening of new windows (including French doors or windows)
S4 Integration of vertical landscaping

Requisitos Quetzal 17-21

C1 Nueva composición de fachada
C2 Adecuación constructiva y de comportamiento térmico
E1 Mejora de la habitabilidad de las viviendas, apertura de nuevas ventanas o balconeras
E3 Integración de producción de energía fotovoltaica
E4 Integración de jardinería vertical