Edifici 05 Residència Ramon Llull. Recinte Escola Industrial

District: Eixample

Neighborhood: la Nova Esquerra de l'Eixample

C. Rosselló, 121 (08036)
How to get there

The site of the Escola Industrial (formerly Batlló factory), located on Comte d’Urgell Street in Barcelona, covers four blocks of the Eixample and corresponds to the former embroidery factory of the Batlló brothers, initially designed by the architect Rafael Guastavino.

Today, the site is an example of modernist industrial architecture, open to the public and to the residents of the Eixample. It offers sports facilities, gardens, educational centers in the neighborhood, and also houses offices and services of the Barcelona Provincial Council.

Activities carried out there

  • Activity finished

    Festa Eixample
    Eixample Architecture Festival
    Type of activity

    Edifici 05 Residència Ramon Llull. Recinte Escola Industrial


    • Morning
    • Weekend