BAU Art and Design College

BAU is an Art and Design College located in Barcelona and affiliated with the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya, which provides official studies in design within the European Higher Education Area.

BAU is an Art and Design University Centre located in Barcelona. It is affiliated to the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, which offers official Bachelor's Degree in Design and Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts within the European Higher Education System. BAU's mission is to be a driving force of knowledge and innovation at the service of society. It focuses on attention given to students and their global training so that they incorporate the values of respect, equity, social commitment and responsibility towards people and professional rigour.

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Organized activities

  • Activity finished

    Festival 1:1: Versió Beta
    Festival 1:1: Beta version
    Type of activity

    BAU GRANADA. Centre universitari d'arts i disseny de Barcelona

