Sound and space: piano performance by Gerard Guerra

Activity finished

Av. de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 7 (08038)
Skip main gallery

A musical evening that will fill the pavilion with sound, and weave sound spaces between textures and reflections.

A piano recital by the architect and pianist Gerard Guerra López will fill the architectural space of the Mies Pavilion with sound, weaving sound spaces between textures and reflections. He will perform his own music live created around the term musitecture, conceived as a specific symbiosis between music and architecture, sound and space, the result of his artistic research.

Gerard graduated as an architect from ETSAB (2016) and a pianist from ESMUC (2017), and is also a composer, director and researcher.


Type of activity
Art installations
Organizing entity
Gerard Guerra López
Organizing entity
Mies van der Rohe Foundation
Event type
Type of ticket
Free admission

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