Presentation of the Nova Babilònia (New Babylon) library at Nau Bostik

Activity finished

C. Ferran Turné, 1-11 (08027)
Skip main gallery

This neighbourhood library specializes in architecture, urban planning, art, photography and the city of Barcelona.

Open to the public, this library specializes in architecture, urban planning, art, photography and the city of Barcelona and its neighbourhoods. The library’s current collection features:

  • Approximately 1,000 books on architecture and urban planning
  • Around 500 books on art and photography
  • Around 300 books about Barcelona (history, urban planning, architecture and photography)


The library gratefully accepts contributions.


Type of activity
Debates and conferences
Organizing entity
El Globus Vermell
Sant Andreu
Event type
Type of ticket
Free admission

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