Via Fractalis

Activity finished

Virtual Art Gallery
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Arquitectures suspeses entre el cel i els fractals.

The work displayed in this exhibition is greatly influenced by these shifts that move between the figurative and the abstract, between explosive color and controlled color, between the suggestion of a different kind of "smart city" and the dwellings that grow in Shimon's mind and in our daily augmented reality.

Puzzles that compose revisited real landscapes, changing moons, blue skies, turquoise, greens, and reds, Qarhol and Vitruvius, the beautiful deconstruction of the Agbar Tower, the multiplication of the mansards of Paris, the black and white from which red posters emerge, domes that expand. Ultimately, the works of this original interpreter, who entertains and intrigues, take us to other universes to discover, like a journey to the Moon or even to Mars. These are complex architectures, suspended between the sky and fractals and the "wise play". The result is so balanced between the artist and us that we almost feel like living in this suggestive reality that Edenburg offers us.



What does this research hold for the future?

We don't know, perhaps not even the author knows, but we are certain that it will undoubtedly continue to surprise us, regardless of the forms of art and representation it may take.

Type of activity
Organizing entity
Shimon Edenburg
Event type
Type of ticket
Free admission

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