Architecture and Failure

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C. de Montalegre, 5 (08001)
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Writer Charlotte Van den Broek talks about creation and despair based on the book Saltos mortales (Acantilado, 2024).

Where is the line between a creator and his work? At what point does a failure become more important than life itself, or so overwhelming that one's whole life can be considered a failure?

Charlotte van den Broek found in her hometown Turnhout a trace that led her through thirteen architectural projects with a common denominator: all of them resulted in personal and professional tragedy for their architects. Over the course of three years, the author visited all these "epicenters of failure" - both historic and recent works, built both in Europe and the United States - to rehabilitate the ruined architects, to restore their lost faces, to do something about the sterility of their despair and the final nature of their last act, suicide.

Presenters: Lluís Ortega

Participants: Charlotte Van den Broeck, Blanca Pujals, Amadeu Santacana i Juncosa


Type of activity
Debates and conferences
Editorial Acantilado
Ciutat Vella
Event type
Type of ticket
Free entrance with prior registration

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