Barcelona Maritime Technology Park

Blue economy



Civil society has embraced the scientific community’s message of “Our ocean, our future, our responsibility” (Lisbon Declaration, UN 2022), which calls for science-based innovative projects aimed at mitigating the ocean emergency.

It is necessary to pursue the development of research infrastructure, with knowledge transfer, via public investment.

The construction of the Barcelona Maritime Technology Park (PTMB) is a public strategic project with a global commitment that will make Barcelona a leading city in this field, with technological and educational facilities that are one of their kind in the Mediterranean area and comparable to only a few others in Europe, meeting a strong international demand for services to help provide solutions for the challenges of global change.

Barcelona, a leading city in the analysis and detection of opportunities for advancement, is a global leader in entrepreneurship, science and innovation ecosystems, the cornerstones of the city’s socio-economic progress.

The success of these initiatives, which have a social return, is associated with an industrial-economic ecosystem involved in the major technological transformations, the promotion of the integrated R&D+I ecosystem, which involves knowledge transfer to the business sector, and shared public-private responsibility for initiatives.

The initiative is part of the 2018-2028 Strategic Coastal Plan and the municipal blue-economy promotional strategy, and is also one of the main projects in the Blue District Programme, part of the Barcelona Port Authority’s 2021-2024 Innovation Plan. It is also part of the Spanish government’s Recuperation, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Construction of a maritime technology facility to develop its potential, with innovative activities as a vector for job creation and socioeconomic progress, making a significant contribution to the sustainability of the business and production networks linked to the blue economy in Barcelona.

The City Council has led the planning of this facility as a truly unique synergistic infrastructure to respond to a growing unmet market demand in the Mediterranean region, with a model that combines public and private assets and collaborative links.

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What are we doing?

The Barcelona Maritime Technology Park is also being built as part of the government’s drive to promote the blue economy in Barcelona:

  • The final project shows how the spaces will be laid out to meet the identified needs and how the uses will be distributed collaboratively among the organisations that are to manage this innovation and entrepreneurship hub.

  • El Pla de finançament, el Pla de negoci i el Model de gestió (governança) determinen com s’ha de materialitzar la viabilitat de la inversió pública amb un retorn econòmic i social òptim.

  • Els acords amb la Generalitat de Catalunya, la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, el Port de Barcelona, la Fundació Barcelona Capital Nàutica i l’Estat es formalitzen mitjançant protocols que desemboquen en convenis de col·laboració institucional, per aportar recursos i compromisos de finançament i de gestió integral.

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