Barcelona: between Memory and Prophecy 2016-2017
The NYIT School of Architecture, with collaboration and research materials from MUHBA, and resident studio space at the Universidad Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), conducted a studio to generate strategies and ideas relating to urban territory and heritage.
The project site, within the historic center of Barcelona, sits also within a neighborhood of strong local character and a community that exists apart from, but geographically very near to main tourist centers of the city.
The challenge was to create facilities where both communities – the local residents, many of whom are recent immigrants and the tourists – may better understand Barcelona’s past and present while affirming a future that is sustainable for both.
MUHBA Oliva Artés
C. d'Espronceda, 142-146 (Parc Central del Poblenou)
08018 Barcelona
Tel. 93 256 21 00
Fax. 93 268 04 54
Veure mapa
Del 15 de juny al 2 de juliol de 2017
Horari de visita
Dimecres de 16.30 a 20 h
Dissabtes i diumenges d’11 a 15 h i de 16 a 20 h
Entrada gratuïta
Informació i reserves
Tel.: 93 256 21 22
Horari d’atenció:
de dilluns a divendres,
de 10 a 14 h i de 16 a 19 h