Inhabiting Barcelona. Challenges, Struggles and Policies in the 20th Century
This exhibition presents the different stages of a historical cycle that runs through housing policies over the last century. It begins with the massive arrival of immigrants in Barcelona and the first social housing developments and concludes at the end of the century with the crisis of 1997.
The dynamics that these processes impress upon on the city drive the calls of the neighbourhood movement with the demand for urban improvement in the districts. It is a cycle characterised by a change of orientation in housing tenure, from renting before the Civil War, with critical episodes such as the rent strike of 1931, to the spread of property acquisition in the decades of development and the crisis at the end of the century, which marked the entry into a new cycle in which we are still immersed today.
The exhibition, curated by Amador Ferrer and Carme Trilla, consists of four areas that correspond to different moments in the process, and it concludes with some reflections on housing problems today based on the experience of the last century.
The exhibition has formed part of the activities carried out within the framework of the 'Housing struggles remembered' programme'
Diari de l'habitatge. Barcelona segle XX
Audiovisual Els reptes de l’habitatge al segle xx a Barcelona
Dossier de premsa de l'exposició
Altres continguts relacionats
Llibre 'La revolució de l’habitatge a les perifèries obreres i populars: Nou Barris 1939-1980'
Exposició 'Barraques. La ciutat informal'
Llibre 'Barraques. La Barcelona informal del segle XX'
D'octubre a maig
Dimarts de 10 a 14 h
Dimecres de 10 a 14 i de 15 a 18 h
Dissabtes i diumenges d'11 a 15 h i 16 a 18 h
Juny, juliol, agost i setembre
Dissabtes i diumenges d'11 a 15 h i 16 a 20 h
Dies de tancament anual: 1 de gener, 1 de maig, 24 juny i 25 de desembre.
Periode Històric
Obertura el 30 de juny a les 17 hores
Informació i reserves
Per a qualsevol altra informació: 93 256 21 22 (de dilluns a divendres feiners, de 10 a 14 i de 16 a 19 h)
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