Exposició 'Un segle breu: Col·lecció MACBA
Art as a reflection of history

Eric Hobsbawm, the British Marxist historian, coined the expression “a brief century” to refer to the period between the First World War (1914) and the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991...

Un quadre de Charlotte Salomon

Charlotte’s story is the unique story of a girl immersed in a tragic family legacy, a lineage of suicides, a litany of inherited deaths which is abruptly revealed to her in exile...

Hands of people taking pictures of La Gioconda with their cellphones.
A Certain Darkness

The exhibit A Certain Darkness can be seen until January 5 at the CaixaForum. 

Black and white photographs by Lee Miller
Gala and Lee Miller, Surrealism in a room of one’s own

Gala was the wife and muse of Salvador Dalí, as well as his secretary and salesperson. Lee Miller was a stunningly beautiful fashion model who worked with Man Ray and served as a...


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