Retrat de Marta Roqueta-Fernández

Social researcher

Author of the essay De la poma a la pantalla [From the apple to the screen] (Pagès Editors, 2019). Researcher specialising in forms of feminism, she has worked for the Government of Catalonia’s Secretariat for Equality, Migration and Citizenship in the prevention of forced marriage. 

She disseminates feminist issues in the media, including RAC1 [the main Catalan language private radio station], the newspapers El PeriódicoLa RepúblicaEl NacionalEl Tiempo and the blog Fot-li Pou. She delivers training on the subjects of gender and mass culture.

Articles by Marta Roqueta-Fernández

Llibre: La ciutat interrompuda, Julia Guillamon
A story of its own

The FEMINISMS! exhibition at the CCCB [Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona], curated by Gabriele Schor and Marta Segarra, is a show not to be missed, either by Catalan...

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