Retrat d'Àlex Font Manté

Àlex Font Manté


He holds a Degree in Humanities and Journalism and completed IESE’s management development programme PDD.

1 Articles

Eva Parey


Eva Parey (Barcelona, 1971) is a photojournalist with a degree in social and cultural anthropology from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. As...

1 Articles

Matías Sirczuk

Graduate in Sociology

Researcher at the Philosophy and Gender Seminar of the University of Buenos Aires.

1 Articles

Matías Leandro Saidel

Doctor of Political Philosophy. Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane.

1 Articles

Retrat de Daniel Gamper. © Clara Soler Chopo

Daniel Gamper


Daniel Gamper (Barcelona, 1969) is a professor of Moral and Political Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and contributes r...

1 Articles

Retrat de José Guimón de Ros

José Guimón de Ros

Doctor in Economics

Professor of the Department of Economic Structure and Development Economy at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

1 Articles

Lourdes Beneria

Lourdes Beneria


Lourdes Beneria is an economist, professor emeritus at Cornell University (USA) and expert in economics and gender studies. She has advised...

1 Articles

victoria camps

Victòria Camps


Victòria Camps is a professor emeritus of Moral and Political Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and holds honoris causa d...

1 Articles

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