Retrat de Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva

Physicist, environmental activist and ecofeminist thinker

Doctor of Physical Sciences, Vandana Shiva (Dehradun, India, 1952). She is one of the founders of the gender unit at the International...

1 Articles

Retrat de Ana Moragues Faus

Ana Moragues Faus

Agricultural engineer

Agricultural engineer specialised in the environment and PhD in Agricultural Economics, Rural Sociology and Food Policy. Senior researcher (...

1 Articles

Retrat de Carolyn Steel

Carolyn Steel


Carolyn Steel studied architecture at Cambridge University. She ran her own design studios at Cambridge and at London Metropolitan Universit...

1 Articles

Retrat de Gustavo Duch

Gustavo Duch


Degree in Veterinary Science. He was a founding member, in 1987, of Veterinarios sin Fronteras [Veterinarians Without Borders], and director...

1 Articles

Retrat de María Dolores Raigón Jiménez

María Dolores Raigón Jiménez

Agricultural engineer

PhD in Agricultural Engineering specialised in Food Industries and Master’s Degree in Personalised and Collective Nutrition. She is a resear...

1 Articles

Retrat de Mabel Gracia Arnáiz

Mabel Gracia Arnáiz


Professor of Social Anthropology at the Rovira i Virgili University and researcher at the Medical Anthropology Research Centre (MARC-URV). S...

1 Articles

Retrat de Marta Guadalupe Rivera Ferre

Marta Guadalupe Rivera Ferre

Doctor in Veterinary Medicine

Research Professor at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) [Spanish National Research Council-Polytechnic University of Valencia], Doctor in Veterinary Medici...

1 Articles

Retrat d'Raquel Díaz Ruiz

Raquel Díaz Ruiz

Doctor in Sustainability

Head of the knowledge and awareness department at the Espigoladors Foundation. Doctor in Sustainability from the Universitat Politècnica de...

1 Articles

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