Portrait of Maria Espeus


Born in Borås (Sweden, 1949), she lives in Barcelona, where she has spent much of her professional career, immortalising numerous public figures with her camera. 

Her work has been published in El País, La Vanguardia, Vogue, Time, The New York Times and The Sunday Times, among other media. She was the official portrait photographer of the Barcelona ’92 Olympic Games. Her awards include the Silver Lion at the Cannes Film Festival for the film Orígenes: año internacional Gaudí [Origins: International Gaudí Year] (2002), the BarcelonaTV Qwerty 2007 award for the book about Barcelona’s Raval neighbourhood El Otro/The Other and the CoNCA National Culture Award (2017).

Picture: ©Estela de Castro

Articles by Maria Espeus

De l'Ombra a la llum. Maria Espeus

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