Portrait of Jordi Nopca

Journalist and writer

(Barcelona, 1983). He holds a Degree in Journalism and Literary Theory and is the editor and coordinator of the weekly book supplement “Ara Llegim” in the newspaper Ara, where he has published more than a thousand articles. 

Following his debut with the novel El talent [Talent] (LaBreu, 2012), he published Puja a casa [Come On Up] (L’Altra, 2015), winner of the Documenta Prize, and La teva ombra [Your Shadow] (Proa, 2019), winner of the first Proa Novel Prize. He has translated authors such as William Maxwell, Les Murray and Jetta Carleton, and has written prologues on Cynthia Ozick (Antiguitats [Antiquities], LaBreu, 2022), Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky (Apunts del subsòl [Subsoil Memories], Angle, 2021) and Gunnhild Oyehaug (Nusos [Knots], Nits blanques, 2021). He has also participated in anthologies of short stories such as Grand Hotel (Univers, 2022), Barcelona 2059 (Mai Més Llibres, 2021), Nits d’estiu [Summer Nights] (Univers, 2020), Gira Barcelona [Barcelona Tour] (Comanegra, 2016) and Punts de fuga [Vanishing Points] (Males Herbes, 2016).

Articles by Jordi Nopca

©Nitidus Arquitectes, SLP
Catalonia's biggest library, a new driving force of culture

A few months ago, work began on the site next to Estació de França train station where the monumental State Public Library is to be built. Covering 16,000 m2 of usable...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
A special gift

Mum is turning sixty-five and I must give her a special gift. I start feeling the pressure the day my granny calls me from the village to remind me – she’s ninety-four, but her head and...

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