Portrait of Irene Pujadas


Born in Sant Just Desvern in 1990, she lives in Barcelona. She worked for five years at the magazine Butxaca and has written for media such as Ara Llegim, La Llança and La Lectora

In 2020, she won, jointly with Laia Viñas, the Documenta Prize for her book of short stories entitled Els desperfectes [Flaws] (L’Altra Editorial). Until 2022 she was one of the editors of the magazine BRANCA and currently works at the publishing house Angle Editorial.

Last Update: April, 2024

Picture: ©Fiona Campreciós

Articles by Irene Pujadas

Il·lustració. ©Genie Espinosa
I feel a raging love for all this crap

She pedalled just as the traffic light was turning red, he took off too soon: the upshot was a traffic accident. His handlebars on her torso, her wheel on his tibia; the girl...

Cover of the book Diumenges a Barcelona by Xavier Theros
A stroll through Can Fanga

Writing about Barcelona is a way of recuperating it. This form of resistance has inspired a great deal of literature, be they collections of oral stories, memories or articles on...

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