Retrat de Gemma Martí Coma

Journalist and sociologist

Journalist with a Degree in Information Sciences and in Political Sciences and Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She works as a freelance journalist for different media outlets.

She has been in charge of coordinating, documenting, editing and preparing the contents for the books L’àlbum de Catalunya, 130 anys d’imatges (1881-2011) [The Album of Catalonia, 130 Years of Images (1881-2011)]; Butifarra!La Nova Xarxa Bus de Barcelona [Barcelona’s New Bus Network]; Barcelona, una ciutat de vianants [Barcelona, a Pedestrian City]; and Harry Walker: lluita obrera, victòria veïnal [Harry Walker: Workers’ Struggle, Community Victory], among others. From 2015 to 2022 she has collaborated with Joan de Sagarra.

Articles by Gemma Martí Coma

La directora Neus Ballús (a l’esquerra) i la muntadora Ariadna Ribas (a la dreta) amb els premis Gaudí que van rebre per la pel·lícula Sis dies corrents. © Acadèmia del Cinema Català - Manu de León / White Horse
Women in the audiovisual industry. Flash in the pan or rising trend

The number of female filmmakers has been burgeoning in the past few years. The presence of female directors, screenwriters, producers, and so on, is growing in the audiovisual...

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