Retrat de David Miró


David Miró (Burriana, 1973) holds a Degree in Catalan Philology (UB) and Journalism (UPF). He has worked at COMRàdio, and the newspapers Avui, El Periódico and Público, of which he was head of the Catalan branch office. He is currently assistant editor of the newspaper ARA and professor of political journalism at UPF.

He has published Periodisme samurai. Les claus per ser un bon periodista polític [Samurai Journalism. The Keys to Being a Good Political Journalist] (UOC, 2016) and the novel La Germandat. Complot contra les dones [The Brotherhood. Plot against Women] (Onada, 2018).

Articles by David Miró

Retrat de Daniel Gamper. © Clara Soler Chopo
“The pandemic has shown us that we humans share air and saliva, that we are all connected”

Daniel Gamper

Daniel Gamper was all set to be a scientist, but reading Jean Jacques Rousseau made him pick philosophy. He had always lived in Sant Cugat until ten years ago when he decided to move to...

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