Retrat de Cristina Sáez


Science and health journalist. She writes regularly for La Vanguardia, and collaborates with the programme El món a RAC1 and also with the Agencia Sinc and the CCCB. Previously, she worked in media outlets such as Muy Interesante and National Geographic, and was a scriptwriter for the programme Redes, directed by Eduard Punset.  

She has published the book La ciencia de la microbiota. Cómo alimentar a tus bacterias intestinales y cuidar tu salud cocinando [The Science of Microbiota. How to Feed Your Gut Bacteria and Look After Your Health Through Cooking] (Libros Cúpula, 2022).

Articles by Cristina Sáez

Imatge d'una maqueta d'un cervell fet amb filferros a l'exposició Cervell(s) al CCCB. © Martí E. Berenguer
A fascinating journey into the brain

Despite having the most intricate map of the brain to date, how it works continues to generate many philosophical and scientific mysteries. The exhibition Brain(s) invites us to...

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