Pallassos Sense Fronteres "Laughter. Weapon of mass construction"

  • 8h 30m
  • tue 24: 9.30 am to 6.00 pm
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Laughter. Weapon of mass construction

Pallassos Sense Fronteres

Circus - Catalonia

One in 84 people on our planet have been forced to flee their home, according to the UNHCR, and Pallassos Sense Fronteres are continuing with their work of bringing smiles to these communities, providing them with emotional support based on the resilience that laughter generates.

With the show Laughter. Weapon of mass construction, we’ll offer a poetic act of peace, turning the Parc de l’Aqüeducte into a small refugee camp so that the audience can feel the effect and the power of laughter in the midst of uncertainty and sadness, through three stages.

From 10 am, fifty clowns will enter the park with cases bearing tents and start setting up different refugee camps, accompanied by the cello of Sasha Agramov and the voice of Sara Ariche. After that the Nexart Percussion band will accompany people as they enter the camp, along with a circus parade and music from Pep Callau around the neighbourhoods of Torre Baró, Vallbona and Ciutat Meridiana; various circus shows, music and clowns around the three stages, plus small stage games representing the world of Pallassos Sense Fronteres when they visit refugee camps.

We can also enjoy different circus workshops, juggling, balancing acts and collective games for children from the Escola Quina Gràcia, plus an end-of-party finale at 6 pm with all the participating artists accompanied by music from the bands Xiula and Lasta Sanco, with Pep Callau as the presenter.

Participating artists: Tortell Poltrona; Montserrat Trias; Pep Callau; Donald B. Lehn; Pepe Viyuela; Laura Mateu; Anna Montserrat, Payasa Xicana; Ana Alavedra, Anna Confetti; Cia. Circ Hulon; Isaac Rodríguez, Peter Punk; Daniel Cercos; Pau Segalés; Cia. Circobaya; Manuel Jesús Fernández, Lolo Fernández; Cia. Asaco Produccions; Daniel Foncubierta; Marina Benites; Minervino Montell; Raúl Cáceres; Beatriz Garrido, Lola Mento; Antonio Toño Zarralanga; Noche Diéguez Melero; Amanda Wilson; José Luis Pepo Rueda; Gerardo Casali, El negro; Bàrbara Granados; Sasha Agramov; Escola de Circ Quina Gràcia; Aleix Burgués; Sarah Ariche; Oriol Vàzquez; Lasta Sanco; Raquel Martínez, Angosta Di Mente; Ricard Llatge; Luis Muñoz; Cia. Pessic de Circ; Nexart Percussion; Xiula; Amparo Carnero; Magdalena Staniewicz; Rita Rodríguez; Antonia Pereyra; Més Tumacat; Angie Amaya, and Cia. Mabsutins. 

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    • Avinguda dels Rasos de Peguera, 51
    • Nou Barris
    • Ciutat Meridiana
    • 08033 Barcelona

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