Baccalaureate: preregistration and enrolment

What do you need to know?

This is the application to study for the baccalaureate at publicly-funded schools.

The baccalaureate is not compulsory and is spread over two academic years. There are several types on offer in order to provide students with a more specialised preparation depending on their plans and interests with regard to future training.

The baccalaureate is the stage that is normally taken between the ages of 16 and 18, although it is open to people of any age.

When they finish the course, students receive the Baccalaureate qualification, which allows them to:

  • Study at university, as long as they pass the entrance exams set by the universities.
  • Study advanced level professional training courses.
  • Study artistic training courses (having passed the relevant test).
  • Start working.

This educational level is available in different high schools depending on the source of funding:

  • Public high schools, are financed by the State.
  • Private high schools, which are divided into two types:
    • State-subsidised private schools (concertats): these are high schools that are partly financed privately and also receive subsidies from the Catalan Government.
    • Private schools (independent): that are privately financed.


Here we only explain how to complete the process for accessing public high schools and subsidised private high schools (instituts concertats), since both are governed by the same regulations. 

If you are interested in a private high school, you should contact them directly as each centre has its own access mechanism.

Who does it apply to?

It is aimed at students aged 16 and over who want to access the baccalaureate.

The student wishing to register must be able to prove one of the following qualifications or studies:

  • The compulsory secondary education (ESO) completion qualification.
  • A technical qualification, having passed an intermediate- or advanced-level training course (CFGM or CFGS).
  • Studies in education systems abroad which have been recognised as equivalent to the ESO qualification or the technical qualification. Recognition is accredited with the relevant credential, or, if it is still in progress, by submitting the form for conditional registration in teaching institutions.

How does it work?

To access baccalaureate, this procedure must be followed, which has two phases:

  • Preregistration to request a place in a high school. Only one application may be submitted per student. However, you may indicate, in order of preference, requests for admission to several high schools on the same application form. It is advisable to list as many desirable schools as possible to increase the chances of obtaining a place in one of them and thus adjusting to the preferences of each family as much as possible.
  • Enrolment is completed to confirm registration at the high school where a place has been obtained.

Once the preregistrations have been completed, they are sorted:

  • Applications from affiliated schools are given priority. The education administration establishes affiliated reference schools in order to create a model that facilitates the transition from compulsory secondary education (ESO) to baccalaureate. Coordination and pedagogical continuity are thus promoted to achieve coherent educational itineraries.
  • In the event of a tie, the priority criteria are applied, then the supplementary criteria
  • If the tie still continues, the order of the applications according to a public draw number is taken into account.

Scoring criteria


  • If the student who opts for the place has siblings who are already studying at the requested school, 50 points are obtained. If the student is in foster care and the foster family's children are schooled in the school, they also get this score.
  • Geographic proximity. Each school has an educational zone (catchment area) to be able to establish the criterion of proximity. You can check the catchment area for each school on its website before submitting the preregistration application. It should be noted that geographical proximity criterion scores are not accumulated. According to the circumstances, different scores can be added:
    • When the family's usual address is within the catchment area of ​​the first school requested: 30 points.
    • When the location of the father's, mother's, or guardian's place of work is within the catchment area of ​​the first school chosen: 20 points. 
    • In the city of  Barcelona, ​​when the family home is located in the same municipal district as the first school chosen, but outside the school's catchment area: 15 points. 
    • When the family home is within the same municipality, but not within the catchment area of the first school chosen: 10 points.
  • If a family member receives the guaranteed citizenship income: 15 points.
  • Academic record. The average grade of the studies that allow access to high school is added: average mark, calculated to two decimal places. If the student is still taking the previous studies at the time of the application, the average mark of the courses of these studies already definitively evaluated is used, also calculated to two decimal places.


  • Disability of the student, parent, guardian or siblings: 15 points.
  • When the parent or guardian works at the school at the time of submitting the preregistration application: 10 points.
  • For being part of a large family: 10 points.
  • For being part of a single-parent family: 10 points. 
  • For a student born in a multiple birth: 10 points. 
  • For a student in foster care: 10 points.
  • When victim of gender-based violence or terrorism status is proven: 10 points.

How long does it take?

​​​​​​It is important to consult the exact calendar each year. In general, for the school year that begins in September, the process begins in February to March of the same year with visits to high schools that organise open doors. Preregistration usually takes place in April. Applications are scored with the allocation criteria and if there is a tie, the draw is applied. Once places have been assigned, registration takes place at the end of June.

During the preregistration process, there are dates and deadlines associated with important actions and procedures. Depending on whether you apply using the procedure for continuing education students or the one for all other students, the time frames will be different. Please make sure that you are aware of the dates and specific procedures at all times.


  • Publication of the number of places for each school and for each course: 19 April 2024.
  • Submission of preregistration applications: from 18 to 25 April 2024.
  • Publication of the list of preregistration applications with the provisional score: 17 May 2024.
  • Appeals against the provisional score: from 17 to 23 May 2024.
  • Publication of the list of applications once appeals are resolved: 29 May 2024.
  • Public draw to determine the tiebreaker number: 29 May 2024.
  • Publication of the lists of admitted students and, where appropriate, of the waiting list: 20 June 2024.
  • Enrolment of students in baccalaureate: from 21 June to 1 July 2024.
  • Start of the academic year: September 2024.

What do you need to do?

Preregistration will be carried out exclusively online, therefore you will need a computer, tablet or mobile phone with an Internet connection.

What steps must you follow?


Step 1. Check that you have what is necessary for pre-registration
  • Digital certificate or a digital identification tool (optional), such as the electronic DNI, T-CAT, Cl@ve system or idCAT Mòbil.
    • To get information about the procedure for obtaining the digital certificate, go to the relevant document, where you will find the information and all the details about how to obtain it.
    • We recommend the  idCAT Mòbil for its ease of obtaining and using.
  • Register of Student of Catalonia (RALC) student identifier code. This number is assigned (uniquely and automatically) to a student when they enrol for the first time in public and private schools in Catalonia. If the student has it but you don't know it, look it up).If the student does not already have one, one will be assigned to him or her, attaching the identification documents.
Step 2: Go to the preregistration form
  • Go to the baccalaureate preregistration form.
  • If you have a digital certificate, you can use the form with electronic authentication: the procedure ends with submitting the form and, therefore, it is not necessary to submit any copies to the high school or any supporting documentation for the applicant or the student that may be validated by inter-administrative consultations. It is only necessary to submit supporting documentation for the scoring criteria in cases where it cannot be validated. It must be submitted, by email and within the established deadline, to the official email address of the first-choice high school, in digital format. 
  • If you do not have digital identification, you can use the electronic form: you must download the application acknowledgement and save it on your device. Once you have done this, the application acknowledgement must be sent by email to the official email address of your first-choice high school, within the established time limit, accompanied by identification documents and documents attesting to scoring criteria, in digital format. 
Step 3: Complete the form and send the application for preregistration
  • Fill in the information on data protection:
    • In the option "Opposition to data consultation", you can leave this box blank so that the Administration can consult data internally. Or, if you check this box you must attach all identification or scoring criteria documentation.
    • In the option "Declaration of census and, where appropriate, disability", check these boxes to allow the Administration to consult residence data or, where appropriate, the degree of disability.
    • In the option "Declaration of true data and responsibility", always check this box to start filling out the form.
  • Fill in the personal data on the form:
    • If you have identified yourself digitally and the student has an identifier code from the Register of Students of Catalonia (RALC), specify it in the corresponding box. This will recover all personal data and you will only have to add the email address and contact telephone number.
    • If you have not identified digitally or if you have identified digitally, but the student does not have a Register of Students of Catalonia identifier code (RALC), fill in all the personal information requested, also the email address and telephone contact number.
  • Specify the high schools chosen in the form:
    • Indicate in order of preference up to 10 high schools in which you would like to obtain a place.
  • Just fill out the form and attach documentation:
    • Also indicate the particular circumstances of the student (for example, if they have any specific educational needs or if they have a sibling requesting a place in the same school, level and course).
    • Mark the priority and supplementary criteria that you wish to claim.
    • Attach all the scanned or photographed documentation that is required.
  • Once the form is filled out, send the preregistration request.
  • You will receive a receipt by email, in which you can check if you must attach additional documentation within the established period.
Step 4: Check whether the student has been admitted

Once the preregistration period has ended, you need to check the lists to see if the student has been admitted. The lists can be checked by various means:

Step 5: File an appeal (if necessary)
  • If there is an error or you do not agree with the provisional score, you can file an appeal within the established period.
  • Once the appeals are resolved, the lists are published again with the assigned random number, which will serve in the event of a tie.
  • To break ties, a public draw is held to determine the number from which applications with the same score are ranked.
  • Check in which school the student has obtained a place.
Step 6: Formalise enrolment
  • Contact the high school where the student has been assigned a place to make an appointment to formalise enrolment.
  • If you do not formalise enrolment within the established period, it will be considered that the place is forfeited.
  • The school will help and advise you regarding enrolment and will also answer all your questions.

Who can submit the application?

The application can be submitted as follows:

  • If the student is of legal age: the student himself or herself.
  • If the student is a minor: the student’s parents or guardians, in person, or by means of a representative.

What documentation is needed?

Some documentation is not required, because inter-administrative consultations are made. But if you have to submit any documentation, it must be digitalised (by means of a scanner or a photograph).

Documentation to prove the identity of the student 

If the application is submitted by the form with electronic authentication:

  • If the student does not have the RALC and is a minor, it will be necessary to attach:
    • Electronic certification of the birth registration, family book or other documents related to affiliation where the name and date of birth of the student and the relationship with the parents or guardians can be checked.
    • If the student is adopted or fostered, documentation relating to the adoption or the ruling on fostering must be provided.
    • Spanish national identity document (DNI) or identity number for foreign nationals (NIE) of the father, mother or guardian of the student. You can provide your passport or, in the case of a foreign national from a European Union country, the identity document from your country of origin.
  • If the student does not have the RALC and is of legal age:
    • DNI or NIE of the student. You can provide your passport or, in case of a foreign national form a EU country, the identity document from your country of origin.

If the application is submitted using the the electronic form:

  • If you are a minor:
    • Electronic certification of birth registration or family book or other documents related to filiation.
    • If the student is adopted or fostered, documentation relating to the adoption or the ruling on fostering must be provided.
    • Spanish national identity document (DNI) or identity number for foreign nationals (NIE) of the father, mother or guardian of the student. You can provide your passport or, in the case of a foreign national from a European Union country, the identity document from your country of origin.
  • If you are of legal age:
    • DNI or NIE of the student. You can provide your passport or, in case of a foreign national form a EU country, the identity document from your country of origin.

Documentation necessary to accredit the scoring criteria in preregistration

  • Specific criteria: preference is given to students from affiliated schools and studies when preregistering for the baccalaureate at a specific school, except for the arts category. In that case, no supporting documents need to be submitted.
  • Where there are siblings at the school or parents or guardians working there: Documentary justification is not needed as the high school checks this itself.
  • Proximity to the family home. When sending the application, the automated register consultation is scheduled. This consultation serves to confirm the address of the family home. If the register data cannot be obtained, residence must be accredited by attaching a certificate or volant de convivència of the student (document that shows where a registered individual lives and with whom), where the address must be recorded and prove that the student lives at least with the father or mother who submits the application.
  • Proximity to place of work: photocopy of the employment contract or a certificate from the company. In the case of self-employed individuals whose address is where they work, the address recorded at the Tax Office will be used and a copy of the registration, change of details and deregistration form.
  • In the case of receiving the guaranteed income subsidy: updated certificate issued by the Department of Social Rights that proves you are a beneficiary.
  • In the case of providing evidence of the academic record:
    • If the student has completed ESO from the 2017-2018 academic year or are currently in their fourth year of ESO, it is not necessary to present any accreditation because it is obtained automatically.
    • In the case of studies under the former system: original and photocopy of page 27 of the basic education school record book, if the average mark for the stage appears in numerical form.
    • Students from abroad must submit the document recognising their qualification. If there is no record of recognition, or a decision has not yet been reached, you can request a calculation of the average mark from the Department of Education. If it is not requested, or cannot be calculated within the time limit, it will be considered to be 5.
    • In the case of foreign studies that are still being studied at the time of preregistration, a responsible declaration can be presented. In this case, 5 will be considered as score.
  • Where evidence is provided of a large family or single-parent status: This information will be validated through inter-administrative consultations. Only when it is not possible to validate it or status is granted by other regional governments in Spain (Comunitats Autònomes), it will be necessary to submit the corresponding family certificate.
  • Being born in a multiple delivery: accredited with the family book or the electronic certification of birth registration.
  • Fostering situation is accredited with the acceptance resolution of the Department of Social Rights.
  • In the case of disability: this situation is validated by inter-administrative consultations. If it cannot be validated or if it is a disability recognised by other regional governments (Comunitats Autònomes), it is necessary to submit the certificate or the disability card issued by the Department of Social Rights or the competent agencies in other autonomous communities.
  • The condition of victim of gender or terrorism violence is accredited with the judicial ruling of any jurisdictional order, the current protection order, the report of social services or the certificate that provides the condition of victim of terrorism issued by the Sub -Directorate General of support for victims of terrorism of the Ministry of Interior.

Documentation for enrolment

  • Documentation necessary to accredit access requirements. If you meet the requirements but for justified reasons you cannot submit the documentation that proves them, you enrol conditionally and you have time until the beginning of the school year to submit the missing documentation. If you do not submit the documentation within the established time, the registration will be cancelled.
  • Documentation necessary to accredit foreign degrees. Students with foreign degrees must prove that they have started the recognition or validation process. Enrolment will be subject to the positive resolution of the recognition or validation application.

What does it cost?

Preregistration and enrolment is free in public high schools. The process in subsidised private high schools (instituts concertats) is also free, although there may be fees and voluntary expenses for extracurricular activities.

Want to know more?

Body responsible for the formality

In Barcelona: the Barcelona Education Consortium (body formed by Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya).

Elsewhere: Department of Education- Catalan Ministry of Education (Generalitat de Catalunya- Government of Catalonia).

Further information

You can consult the Educational Choice website from Generalitat de Catalunya to learn about the offer and the modalities of baccalaureate.

Before formalising the application, you are recommended to consult the chosen centre's website, or the Generalitat de Catalunya's baccalaureate website, for information regarding the details concerning preregistration and the chosen subjects.

(Both websites are only available in Catalan, but they do have Google Translate which means that the portals can be viewed in many languages).

Important linked formalities

Some examples of formalities which you may be asked to complete prior to preregistration and enrolment are set out below:


The procedures tend to change frequently. Therefore, only what is provided by the regulations in force at the time of carrying out the procedure in question is applicable.