What's the NIE?


Many foreigners who want to live in Spain mistakenly think that what they need is the NIE. There is a lot of confusion about this issue, and it's important to have clear information to know what document you need or what procedures you must carry out.

The identity number for foreign nationals (NIE), as its name suggests, is merely an identification number assigned by Spanish authorities to every foreigner once and for life. It has nothing to do with a residence or work permit.

All foreigners, regardless of whether they have European citizenship or non-European citizenshiphave to have an NIE to engage in economic, professional or social activities in the country, such as making investments, buying property, creating a company or doing tax procedures. Therefore, all foreigners who interact with or perform activities related to the Spanish government must have an NIE, regardless of their place of residence or their nationality. 

Let's look at two situations:

  • Foreigners who have no intention of living in Spain or are going to stay here for less than 3 months but need an ID number for economic, professional or social reasons have to get an NIE. If they live abroad, they can request one at a Spanish consulate in their place of residence. In contrast, if they are in the country, they can request it at a Spanish police station or immigration office (depending on the case). They will receive a white document, familiarly known as the white NIE.


  • Foreigners who want to remain in Spain for longer than 3 months have to carry out certain procedures, depending on their nationality, and will get specific documents from the Spanish government. These documents will automatically assign this person a unique NIE. These documents will be different depending on the foreign person's nationality. 


Let’s look at the ID documents that foreigners who are going to live in Spain have to get:

  • The certificate of registration as an EU national is a physical identification document. It is compulsory for individuals with European citizenship wishing to stay in Spain for a period exceeding three months to have it. It contains the identification data, as well as the identity number for foreign nationals (NIE). The document is made of paper and is commonly called the green NIE due to its colour. It has to be applied for at a Spanish police station within the province in Spain where the person resides.
  • The identity card for foreign nationals (TIE) is a physical identity document. It must be held by non-EU nationals authorised to stay in Spain. They are only issued in cases of authorisations of stays or residence for periods longer than six months and long-term residency permits. (For briefer periods, the authorisation decision issued by the Spanish government, which will also contain the NIE, is sufficient to accredit the person’s status as a resident of Spain). The TIE contains a photograph, the identification data, as well as the identity number for foreign nationals (NIE) and the type of authorisation for the stay or residence of the foreign person. The TIE should be requested once the person has arrived in Spain and holds an authorisation to live in the country. It has to be applied for at a Spanish police station within the province in Spain where the person resides.