
  • Música

Jo competeixo

The latest album from this Barcelona foursome is showcased at the closing date on the Grec Festival calendar as the band unveil a new live sound mixed with electronica. Manel skilfully fuse sounds from 70s Catalan music with the latest indie-folk vibes.

You must have heard, at the very least, Sabotatge, the first single from Jo competeixo, an album that Manel’s fans could hardly wait to get their hands on. That is because it is nearly two years since the band behind Els millors professors europeus (2008) and 10.000 milles per veure una bona armadura (2011) released Atletes, baixin de l'escenari (2013). All three albums were recorded with modest means, but this time an American producer took the band to Woodstock and New York to record their latest numbers. The experience served them to rework their sound, and Jo competeixo features touches of electronica and clearly takes the path of the most contemporary pop music. The latest effort, then, from a band that has become a musical phenomenon in Catalonia and all over Spain, their sound tracing the recent history of Catalan music, ranging from the nova cançó to today’s indie scene.

Production: Manel and Fina Estampa.

Artistic card

Guitarra i veu: Guillem Gisbert; Guitarra: Roger Padilla ; Baix: Martí Maymó; Bateria: Arnau Vallvé;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price