Historia de amor

  • Teatre


A company determined to fuse and confuse the language of film and theatre stages a dark, violent story. They tell it in black and white, combining the comic book with the real image.

In 1988, the French writer Régis Jauffret wrote Histoire d'amour, an unusual novel about an English teacher who encounters a woman on the underground, becoming obsessed with her. The teacher abducts and rapes the woman, turning her into the victim of his psychotic rages until finally, worn down, she finally agrees to marry him. The language of the comic book, drawn in stark black and white, mixed with reality, enables the company to distance themselves sufficiently to explore the novel’s theme of physical and psychological violence, sadism and torture pursued by the novel, a subject by no means alien to the company’s artistic history nor to the recent history of their country. of the company nor the recent history of their country. In Historia de amor, classical theatre and conventional acting are confronted by a series of dreamlike, Kafkaesque or unconscious images, reducing the distance between reality and the inner world to create a phantasmagorical, virtual, imaginary universe. The play completes a trilogy that also includes works Sin sangre (an adaptation of the novel by Alessandro Baricco) and El hombre que daba de beber a las mariposas.

Production: Compañía Teatrocinema (Chile), Fondart (National Council for Culture of the Government of Chile), FITAM - Fundación Teatro a Mil and Teatro de la Universidad Católica.

With the support of the Edinburgh International Festival, the Institut Français of Santiago de Chile, Valook, Litoralpress, ONDA (Office National de Diffusion Artistique) and Box’Air.

Artistic card

Autoria: Régis Jauffret; Concepció artística: Vittorio Meschi i Laura Pizarro; Traducció: Carlos González Guzmán; Adaptació: Zagal, Montserrat Quezada; Posada en escena: Zagal; Direcció general: Zagal; Interpretació: Julián Marras i Bernardita Montero; Composició musical: Zagal; Escenografia: Teatrocinema; Vestuari: Laura Pizarro; Regidoria: Daniel Figueroa; Disseny d'il·luminació: Luis Alcaide; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Matías del Pozo; Vídeo: Montserrat Quezada ; So: Juan Ignacio Morales; Direcció tècnica: Luis Alcaide; Ajudantia en la posada en escena: Montserrat Quezada i Laura Pizarro ; Direcció artística multimèdia: Montserrat Quezada ; Guió il·lustrat: Vittorio Meschi i Abel Elizondo; Concepció gràfica: Luis Alcaide, Cristián Mayorga i Laura Pizarro; Concepció i programació multimèdia: Mirko Petrovich; Disseny i modelització 3D: Vittorio Meschi i Max Rosenthal; Animació i postproducció: Ilana Raglianti i Sebastián Pinto ; Construcció dels accessoris: Cristián Mayorga, Catalina Inostroza i Ingrid Hernández;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    6 and 8.30 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price