Flors i viatges [Travels and Flowers]

  • Escena híbrida


The duo closes a trilogy that reinterprets the works of Catalan authors with a work based on Viatges i flors, by Mercè Rodoreda. Twenty people enter a fantastic forest where they discuss war as seen by women.

Diverse artistic languages, including music, sculpture and visual and performing arts, form part of the works of a creative collective composed of an engineer with a degree in music and an architect. This is cabosanroque, a duo that explores the boundaries between disciplines, in the form of inventive and surprising performative installations and with collaboration from leading artists. In this trilogy, they explore the universes and the works of big names in Catalan literature. They began with No em va fer Joan Brossa (2016), a large-format object theatre piece, without actors or puppeteers, which represented a sort of grand symphony. They continued in 2020, reimagining the exorcisms in which Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer participated in Dimonis, and treating theatre as a form of possession. Both works can also be seen at the CCCB, along with a piece this year, which completes the trilogy with a work by Mercè Rodoreda. The production takes place in a fantastic forest and takes as its starting point the writings of Viatges i flors. Mercè Rodoreda’s words take shape in female refugees from the war in Ukraine. The testimonies of women and children who lived through the Second World War, collected by Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Alekseyevitx, also serve as the basis for a reflection on war and its consequences for women and children. Twenty spectators will be immersed in a sinister atmosphere and take a journey filled with beauty among the flowers of a world devastated by war; and the women and children will speak to us, as will the earth, the birds and the trees. Everything that inhabits the planet Earth alongside us.

A co-production of cabosanroque, Grec 2023 Barcelona Festival, Temporada Alta 2022, Naves del Español at Matadero 2023, Teatre Nacional de Catalunya 2023, Théâtre Garonne - Scène européenne 2024 and the Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture (CCCB).

With the support of the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia, Fundació Lluís Coromina, Alumilux, Teatre Municipal de Girona, Cultura Banyoles and Fundació Mercè Rodoreda.

Performances in English: 18 and 25 July at 5, 6, 7 and 8 pm

Performances in Spanish: 20 and 27 July at 5, 6, 7 and 8 pm

Further information: 

Artistic card

Conception, creation, construction, playwriting and direction: cabosanroque. Original text: Mercè Rodoreda, Svetlana Aliéxievitx. Adaptation: cabosanroque. With the recorded participation of: Rocío Molina, Mónica López, Núria Martínez Vernis and Ukrainian refugees in Catalonia (Mariia Kashpurenko, Nadiia Rusanova, Olena Radko, Hanna Hrechana, Alexandra Hrechana, Maria Hrechana, Hanna Rei, Barbara Sokilovska and Mariia Sokolovska). Translations from Russian into Catalan: Miquel Cabal. Translations from Catalan into Ukrainian: Olena Velykodna. Original music: cabosanroque, version of Strange Fruits, by Billie Holiday performed by Núria Graham; Lux Aeterna, by György Ligeti, performed by the Cor de Teatre (Mariona Callís, Sara Gómez, Nuri Hernández, Ànnia Pons) and directed by David Costa. Recordings by Alan Lomax: Russian women mourn their father's death. Lighting: cabosanroque, Cube.bz. Video: Frau Recerques Visuals. Technological assistance: Julià Carboneras. Ceramics: Toni Cumella, cabosanroque. Thanks to: Enric Masgrau, David Costa, Alba Codina, Xevi Gibert, Panxi Badi, Maria Bohigas and Alejandro Dardik, Glòria Bordons, Martí Sales, Oriol Sauleda, Pere Sarquella, Ricard and Rosa Carnissers, Can Pericus, Centre d'acollida de refugiats ucraïnesos del barri de Sant Narcís, Cesc Feixas and Carme Torrents, Lluís Coromina, Ceràmiques Cumella. To our parents. 


  • Schedule
    15-30 July, at 5 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm and 8 pm. Saturday and Sunday: 11.00 am, 12.00 Noon, 5 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm