Els mots i la cosa

  • Teatre

Jean-Claude Carrière

The French novelist, screenwriter and actor Jean-Claude Carrière comes to Grec 2015 with a text, adapted by Ricard Borràs, that illustrates the richness of the language and takes as its central theme sex and all the words we use to refer to it.

Were it not for the fact that it leads to confusion, we might say that what the author and those who adapted this unusual text propose to us is a lesson in oral sex. But don’t panic, because the characters in this hilarious, witty play go no farther than words. Nonetheless, they display a knowledge and mastery of the language that will turn you green with envy or, if you are a little shy, red with embarrassment. On stage, a specialist in language and an actress who dubs pornographic films exchange explicit letters in which they demonstrate their enormous knowledge of the different ways in which we can refer to both the male and the female sex organs, the act of love and the different ways in which it can be performed. The work is the brain-child of Jean-Claude Carrière, who worked with Luis Buñuel in some of the director’s best known films and with Peter Brook for more than 30 years, and who will come to Barcelona to attend the production. The actor Ricard Borràs, advised by Professor of Literature Anton M. Espadaler literature and by the author and director Pep Anton Gómez, adapted and reworked the play in a daring enterprise that resembled more a complete re-write than a mere translation.

Artistic card

Autoria: Jean-Claude Carrière; Traducció: Ricard Borràs; Adaptació: Ricard Borràs; Assessorament: Anton M. Espadaler; Direcció: Pep Anton Gómez; Intèrprets: Ricard Borràs, Elena Garcia; Composició i interpretació musical: Pere Hernández; Ajudant de direcció: Liza Frediani; Disseny d'il·luminació: Jaume Ventura ; Realització de vídeo: David Beltran ; Direcció de fotografia: Carlos Rigo; Ajudant de càmera: Agnès Piqué Corbera; Cap tècnic: Ignasi Bosch; Distribució: Botarga; Disseny gràfic: Sergio Gordonas ; Fotografia: Ariel Bercovich; Producció executiva: Liza Frediani;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    70 min
  • Price
    20 €