El somni de Gulliver

  • Teatre

Mechanical opera for automated puppets.

A mechanical opera in which visual projections, automata and music performed by robotic instruments tell the story of a universal journey.

Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift's famous work, published in 1726, tells the fantastic story of a voyager who discovers a series of strange countries. In fact, the people in those countries symbolise the evils that afflict humanity. Now, in the twenty-first century, Roland Olbeter revives the true story behind Swift’s novel: the search for the meaning of life. To do so, Olbeter builds a great theatre populated by mechanical characters in which Gulliver, the protagonist, moves in a world recreated through the original music composed by Elena Kats-Chernin, with vocals pre-recorded by leading opera singers accompanied by electro-acoustic robotic instruments performing live on stage. This wonderful machinery will narrate the story of Gulliver, an astronomer on his death-bed. The scientist dreams that he is building a ship which will take him to discover four unknown worlds. On each of these planets, he meets beings that illustrate great questions: from the submission to power to our tendency to give ourselves over to unlimited pleasure, the desire for immortality and the constant change that is implicit in living. A truly different format in which to tell a story where machines create a parallel world driven by motors and pneumatic cylinders to speak to us about the things that most concern most human beings.

Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona, Miavion S.L., Bayerische Staatsoper and Teatre Nacional de Catalunya.

In cooperation as a technological partner: Festo.

Thanks to: Dr. Willfried Stoll, Heinrich Frontzek, Javier Herrero, Christoph Goldmann, Vicenç Tomàs, Jordi Domènech, Alba Duque and Francesc Grimalt.
To Gumer MartIn.

Recommended for audiences over the age of 8.

Artistic card

Idea, direcció i dramatúrgia: Roland Olbeter; Composició musical: Elena Kats-Chernin; Vídeo: Esterina Zarrillo; Escultor de les marionetes: Nico Nubiola; Manipulació dels titelles: Kike Blanco; Direcció musical: Carlos Fesser; Concepció Sonora : Urbez Capablo; Disseny d'il·luminació: Cube, Bz.; Vestuari: Joana Poulastrou / Estudi Chu Uroz; Traducció de l'alemany: Rosina Nogales; Interpretació: Nathalie Pierhumbert; Interpretació musical: Joan Martín-Royo (baríton), Clàudia Schneider (mezzosoprano), Antoni Comas (tenor), Carlos Fesser (baix baríton), Jordi Domènech, Toni Gubau, Oriol Rosés (contratenors), Antonio Fajardo, Néstor Pindado (baixos), Anna Barreiro, Lucía Verger i Nerea Urriza (Nanobots; cor infantil) i de l'Escola Aula de Música 7 dirigides per "scar Larios ; Col·laboració en el llibret: Silke Dörner, Christoph Goldmann, Albert Mauri i Christiane Mannini; Disseny i software de control: Urbez Capablo; Enginyeria teatral: Simeó Ubach; Ajudantia tècnica: Félix Herrero i Borja Casanovas; Enregistrament musical: Fundació Phonos-Universitat Pompeu Fabra / Lucas Ariel Vallejos; Disseny gràfic: Albert Claret; Xarxes socials: Tomàs Morató; Realització de vídeo: Dog Films; Elèctric: Carlos Jovellar; Construcció de l'escenografia: Masters; Enginyeria teatral: Simeó Ubach, José Rodriguez; Premsa: La Costa Comunicació; Distribució: Dos Orillas Cultura; Comptabilitat: Begonia Companyon; Gestió del projecte: Isabel Castellet;


Roland Olbeter



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    7 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    70 min
  • Price