El somni de Gulliver

  • Música

Mechanical opera for automatic puppets

Gulliver's Dream is a mechanical opera in the tradition of 18th and 19th century musical automata. The piece takes place in a tiny robot universe formed by 75 electrical motors and more than 160 computer-controlled pneumatic cylinders.

All this technology drives a fantastic world of 25 dolls, puppets and animals, who tell a strange, almost surreal story. The work is a poetic metaphor for the obsessive quest of a scientist, the dream behind Gulliver’s last journey.

On this journey into space, Gulliver tries to discover the secrets of the origins of life that he could not find on earth. On it, he lands on four very different planets, encountering very different experiences, from submission and love to immortality. Finally, on the last stage of his journey, Gulliver realises that his search is futile.

The music follows the leitmotiv of automata, and is played on two robotic electro-acoustic instruments. Placed on either side of the stage, these instruments are in full view of the audience. They play live music, accompanied by pre-recorded vocals.

Two versions of the work are available: one for adults, with a running time of approximately 65 minutes, the other for children, lasting half an hour.

The whole set and machinery, including lights, sound and video equipment, is contained in a van and trailer that can travel to any town or city, in our country or internationally. Setting up the piece requires only an electrical socket.

Artistic card

Idea i direcció artística: Roland Olbeter; Música: Elena Kats-Chernin; Llibret: Roland Olbeter / Albert Mauri / Christoph Goldmann; Escultura: Nico Nubiola; Vídeo: Esterina Zarrillo; Il·luminació: Cube; Manipulació dels titelles: Kike Blanco;

Idea i direcció artística: Roland Olbeter; Música: Albert Pla; Llibret: Roland Olbeter; Escultura: Nico Nubiola; Vídeo: Esterina Zarrillo; Il·luminació: Cube; Manipulació dels titelles: Kike Blanco;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
  • Space

    Sala Hiroshima

    Carrer de Vila i Vilà, 67, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya