The Gothic Novel as Feminist Critique
Date: 5 and 14 November
Time: 6 pm
Venue: El Soterrani Cooperative Bookshop
Address: August, 50, baixos dreta, 43003 Tarragona
Participants: femina verbipotens
In this two-session workshop (two hours each), we will delve into the political dissent that writers created through the freedom offered by the phantasmagoric realm of horror. Monsters, vampires, and witches —figures that have always been represented in the real world— have served, and continue to serve today, many female writers as a means to narrate slavery, racism, sexism, and heteronormativity with a terrifyingly critical perspective. (Some of the writers that will be discussed include Ann Radcliffe, Daphne du Maurier and Shirley Jackson, among others).
Registration: info@elsoterranillibreria.cat. The cost will be €5 per session.