Ramon Mas Baucells
Ramon Mas Baucells, born in Sant Julià de Vilatorta in 1982, is the co-founder of the Males Herbes publishing company. His works include the novellas Crònica d’un delicte menor [Chronicle of a Minor Crime] and Afores [Outskirts], and the novels Estigmes [Stigmas], L’endemà de la teràpia [The Day After the Therapy Session] and his recent Els murs invisibles [Invisible Walls] (L’Altra); in addition to curating the anthologies Savis, bojos i difunts [The Wise, the Mad and the Deceased] and Bromistes, tramposos i mentiders [Jokers, Tricksters and Liars] and recently publishing the essay Inventari d’afinitats [Inventory of Affinities] (Periscopi). You can also find him writing and singing with two different bands, Matagalls and FP. He holds an undergraduate degree in philosophy, but doesn’t know what to do with it.
IG: @ramonmasbaucells
X: @LesMalesHerbes