Jordi Masó Rahola

Jordi Masó Rahola, born in Granollers in 1967, is a pianist and writer who has performed throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas and teaches at the Catalonia College of Music (ESMUC). He’s recorded over 50 albums, most of them for Naxos record label, and is the author of several collections of short stories and flash fiction, such as Els reptes de Vladimir [Vladimir’s Challenges], Catàleg de monstres [Catalogue of Monsters] and Les mil i una [A Thousand and One]. Males Herbes has published a half-dozen of his works, many of which have won awards: Polpa [Pulp], La biblioteca fantasma [The Ghost Library], L’hivern a Corfú [Winter in Corfu], Ambrosia and Les males herbes [Weeds], in addition to the acclaimed Xacona [Chaconne], which plays with time loops and ha won this Llibreter Award.

X: @JordiMasoRahola