Ferran d’Armengol

Ferran d’Armengol, born in Barcelona in 1959, is a retiree and author who belongs to the Catalan Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy (SCCFF). He started publishing with the literary group Setze Petges, which emerged from the Ateneu Barcelonès writing school. He’s published over thirty stories in fantastic literature collections and anthologies, including with Orciny Press, CatarsiNarranaciónInèdits, Scito Edicions, and CatCon’s latest book. For five years, he’s led the ARC Contest for Radio Flash Fiction and been involved in the Concili Fetiller at Edicions Secc, a publishing house that just released his novel El laberint de Noctiluca [Notiluca’s Labyrinth], where dragons play a leading role.

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