Cristina Jurado

Cristina Jurado, born in Madrid in 1972, is a bilingual author of science fiction, fantasy and horror works, as well as an editor and translator. In 2020 she won the European Science Fiction Society (ESFS) award in the best promoter category, and in 2019 she became the first woman to receive the Spanish Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Association (AEFCFT) Ignotus Award in the best novel category. Notable works include Del naranja al azul/Bionautas [From Orange to Blue/Bionauts] and CloroFilia [Chlorophilia], the short story collection Mil desiertos [A Thousand Deserts] (Eolas) and the anthology of English-language stories Alphaland & Other Stories. Her latest book is Limítrofes [Borders] (Obscura, 2024), a novel that flips the superhero genre on its head.

IG: @jurado_cristina

X: @dnazproject