Amparo Montejano
Amparo Montejano, born in Tomelloso in 1975, is a writer and editor of fiction in the weird genre. She studied art historiography at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). In 2016, she co-founded the e-zine Círculo de Lovecraft [Lovecraft Circle], short-listed for the Ignotus Award in the magazine category in 2021 and 2022. She’s the author of the essay Editoras de lo extraño [Editors of the Strange] (Dilatando Mentes) and three short story collections, including the one illustrated in 2023 by Tomás Hijo: Tierra de meigas. Cuentos de miedo, muerte y otros menesteres [Land of Witches. Tales of Dread, Death and other Duties] (Numak).
IG: @amparomontejano
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