Marc Artigau

Marc Artigau i Queralt, born in Barcelona in 1984, holds an undergraduate degree in stage direction and playwriting from the Theatre Institute of Barcelona, and appears on the radio show El món a RAC1. His plays have won awards such as the Quim Masó Award and runner-up for the Marqués de Bradomín Award, and they can be found in they play compilation Teatre reunit 2009-2018. His work as a playwright and adapter has also won him the Critic’s Award and the Max. In addition to that he’s published the YA novels Els perseguidors de paraules [The Word Chasers] and La cova dels dies [The Cave of the Days], co-authored Un home cau [A Man Falls], Els coloms de la Boqueria [The Boqueria Pigeons] and Ningú sabrà qui ets [No One Will Know Who You Are]) with Jordi Basté, and produced two poetry collections, Vermella [Red] and Desterrats [Banished]. La vigília [The Day Before] won him the Josep Pla Award. Following Jo era el món [I Was the World], this year he has published the children’s climate novel Ben al fons del mar [Deep Under the Sea] (Estrella Polar).

IG: @marcartigau

X: @martigau