Jorge Volpi

Jorge Volpi (Mexico, 1968) is the author of the novels La paz de los sepulcros, El temperamento melancólico, El jardín devastado, Oscuro bosque oscuro, and Memorial del engaño, as well as the Trilogía del siglo XX, consisting of En busca de Klingsor (Biblioteca Breve and Deux-Océans-Grinzane Cavour awards), El fin de la locura and No será la Tierra, and the short stories published as Días de ira. Tres narraciones en tierra de nadie. He has also written a number of essays. He won the Mazatlán Award for Best Book of the Year in 2008 with Mentiras contagiosas, and in 2018, he won the Alfaguara Novel Award for Una novela criminal, which Netflix adapted into a documentary series. He is a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters of France and has received the Order of Isabella the Catholic of Spain, at the Official Cross level. Páginas de Espuma recently published Enrabiados, his book of short stories.

TW: @jvolpi


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