Award winners

List of the 2023 42 Award winners 

A year on and once again we are announcing the winners of the 42 Awards, designed to serve as a firm recommendation from the festival. We trust that you’ll get a chance to read these titles – selected by two independent professional juries specialising in fantastic literature – over the coming months and enjoy them. As they do every year (now the third), the 42 Awards recognise the most outstanding literary works of the previous season and give them their seal of quality. Furthermore, as in previous editions, for each title, both juries have drawn up 4 objective reasons to explain their choice along with 2 personal statements (4+2 = 42) to engage you to read them. We’re sure you’ll share their enthusiasm.



  • 42 Award for the Best Original Work in Catalan 2023

    Guilleries, by Ferran Garcia (Males Herbes)

    4 reasons:

    • For showing us that, with the right approach, everything in life can be part of the fantastic genre.
    • For elevating our popular imagination to the category of myth.
    • For its virtuosity in using spoken language as the narrative structure.
    • For its use of atmosphere to create a stifling and grotesque setting that appeals to the senses and causes unease. 

    2 evaluations:

    • "Guilleries is a story that could win any prize at the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival"
    • "Guilleries is a novel that immerses you in the abyss of human nature"
  • 42 Award for the Best Original Work in Spanish 2023

    Lancolía, by Santiago Eximeno (Dilatando Mentes)

    4 reasons:

    • Because it is an excellent translation of our social structures to an astral journey filled with horror and a lack of faith.
    • Because, part social criticism, part galactic tale, this work is a real literary journey through the mind of the author and his ideas about faith and society.
    • Because this novel is a cosmic horror in its purest state, on a journey without a clear destination, but with a terrifying route.
    • Because it is powerful, original and violent, and is also a stellar horror story that will not be to everyone's taste. 

    2 evaluations:

    • "Lancolía is our society reflected in the mirror of cosmic horror"
    • "In this work, symbolism, horror and science fiction coexist to reveal the tensions pulsating in society. Yes, as in the novel, the world is a ship, and its author shows himself to be the captain of a journey to the centre of the imagination”
  • 42 Award for the Best Work Translated into Catalan 2023

    La cinquena estació [English title: The Fifth Season] (The Broken Earth series, part 1), by N. K. Jemisin (Mai Més, translation by Blanca Busquets)

    4 reasons:

    • For its original, consistent and coherent world building, which sustains and feeds the characters and plot.
    • For the skilful way in which it blurs the boundaries between genres and plays with the conventions of fantasy and science fiction.
    • For its addictive narrative, accessible despite its complexity and multiple layers.
    • For the way it constructs a deep socio-cultural framework that facilitates reflection on our present day society. 

    2 evaluations:

    • "La cinquena estació is an epic work that makes you reassess time and again what you think you know about the world it invents”
    • “A work that will make you fall back in love with classic science fiction”
  • 42 Award for the Best Work Translated into Spanish 2023

    El mar de la tranquilidad [English title: Sea of Tranquility], by Emily St. Mandel (El Ático de los Libros, translation by Aitana Vega)

    4 reasons:

    • Because it describes the butterfly effect of time travel in a delicious manner filled with self-references, with an elegant and deeply satisfying result.
    • Because it presents reality as an overlapping of existential planes in a science fiction story that looks in on itself.
    • Because it presents a series of journeys through time that slot neatly together like Russian dolls.
    • Because it is an elegant and sophisticated demonstration of the fact that, sometimes, succinctness is a lethal emotional weapon. 

    2 evaluations:

    • El mar de la tranquilidad brings time travel bang up to date, adapting it to the contemporary world”
    • “An ambitious, intimate, elegant, slow-burn suspense puzzle that you won't be able to put down”
  • 42 Award for the Best Discovery in Catalan 2023

    Roser Cabré-Verdiell (by AIOUA)

    4 reasons:

    • For the skilful way it uses language to construct a dreamlike reality that puts into question any simple classification of the fantastic genre.
    • For successfully pulling off a bold and risky proposal both in terms of format and content.
    • For its originality when it comes to constructing characters and symbolic spaces.
    • For combining narrative puzzles that stir the heart and shake up the soul.

    2 evaluations:

    • “Roser Cabré-Verdiell is an author who shows us how to play with the limits of the genre and reflect on them”
    • “Roser Cabré-Verdiell is one of the most idiosyncratic imaginations of Catalan literature”
  • 42 Award for the Best Discovery in Spanish 2023

    Marina Tena Tena (for, among others, Nos devoró la niebla, published by Insólita)

    4 reasons:

    • For addressing grief following a family or social tragedy. For creating a disquieting atmosphere that encompasses the whole story, in which nothing is black and white, but rather a foggy grey.
    • For its exploration of collective trauma that uncovers the social implications of monsters in rural settings.
    • Because it simultaneously induces both anxiety and repulsion in the reader.
    • Because it is an atmospheric horror story that is intimate, dark and shady set in our geographical area which runs like clockwork.

    2 evaluations:

    • Nos devoró la niebla is poetry in fear and uncertainty”
    • “Loss and guilt as destructive artefacts of identity are reflected in a masterful way in this intimate supernatural horror story set in España vacía [empty Spain]”
  • 42 Award for the Best Classic Translated into Catalan 2023

    Imago, by Octavia Butler (Mai Més, translation by Ernest Riera)

    4 reasons:

    • For showing how to construct characters that draw us in, trouble us and invite us to reflect.
    • For succeeding in taking readers out of their comfort zone without sensationalism or narrative shortcuts.
    • For its focus on socially oppressed or marginalised groups and for proposing points of union with the rest of society.
    • For the imaginative, fresh, positive and abundant construction of ecosystems and complex relationships. 

    2 evaluations:

    • Imago is the concluding part of a timeless saga that has human morals up against the wall”
    • Imago is a magnificent example of the possibilities offered by science fiction for exploring the contradictions of human nature”
  • Alba 42 Award for the Best Young Adult Book in Catalan 2023

    L’hereu de la mort, by Albert Font (Obscura)

    4 reasons:

    • For its originality when it comes to constructing its own mythological imaginary.
    • For its desire to broaden the horizons of classic fantasy.
    • For its ambition in world building, creating characters and plots.
    • For the way it masterfully combines style and narrative tempo.

    2 evaluations:

    • L’hereu de la mort is confirmation of the great fantastic literature written in our country, for the new generations”
    • L’hereu de la mort is a window to a new world that is rich and filled with fantasy”
  • 42 Award for the Best Young-Adult Work in Spanish 2023

    Fantasmas de verde jade, by Víctor Sellés (Obscura)

    4 reasons:

    • For presenting London as the frenetic setting of an adventure starring a group of young investigators who have no fear of the unknown.
    • For being a fantastic young-adult story that draws on the Holmseian tradition with intelligent painstaking craftsmanship.
    • Because its Victorian adventures can be read at various levels.
    • Because it is a work that combines thriller and dark fantasy dancing among spirits, ghosts and invocations, while Arthur Conan Doyle looks askance at us in his Victorian London.

    2 evaluations:

    • Fantasmas de verde jade introduces us to the Baker Street Irregulars seen through the filter of magic and ectoplasm”
    • “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. But if these new Baker Street Irregulars are involved, then the wonderful must be the truth”
  • 42 Honorary Award 2023

    Rosa Fabregat

    4 reasons:

    • For her work as a disseminator of fantastic genres in Catalan, leading the creation of the Societat Catalana de Ciència-Ficció [Catalan Science Fiction Society].
    • For being one of the first Catalan authors to use science fiction to question the status quo and to talk about issues such as feminism.
    • For having shown that literature and science can talk to one another through the genre.
    • For having unashamedly investigated the impact of biogenetics through science fiction at a time when there were no points of reference.

    2 evaluations:

    • "Rosa Fabregat is the ‘three-times rebel’ of the genre: a woman, author of science fiction, writing in Catalan"
    • “Rosa Fabregat is one of the pioneers of Catalan science fiction, opening doors and helping the genre to take its first steps in our country”