Jordi Boixadós i Bisbal

Jordi Boixadós i Bisbal (Barcelona, 1958) is a writer, musician and translator who has been living in the Maresme region since 1982. He has published different texts with publishers like Pòrtic, Columna and RBA, including the novel Mentre la neu sigui blanca (2022); the play Popocatépetl, co-written with Elies Barberà (Premi Pare Colom 2019); and the humorous language game To Dream Omelettes/Somiar truites, in conjunction with Oriol Comas. As a musician, Boixadós is a pop-rock singer-songwriter. He has released six solo albums since 2002 with Picap/Actual, Temps Record, Right Here Right Now and La catenària. 

TW: @jordi_boixados