- Part of
2017/2018 Season

COS, ESPAI, TEMPS, LLEGUATGE (BODY, SPACE, TIME, LANGUAGE). Performance Workshop by Joan Morey

29 January, 2018 - 17:00 to 2 February, 2018 - 20:00


Performance is a common genre in the development of artistic projects that also affects the way of thinking and doing art. Artists use performance as a process for communicating ideas and as a place for experimentation or cross-disciplinary research, and even as an escape valve for artistic practice in times of crisis; not only economic crisis but also the crisis an artist may be suffering within the art system, in the production of objects and even in the research of meaning. In this way, performance becomes a testing ground, a tool, an engine or a language for the artist, who by including it in his or her way of doing, must adjust the medium to his or her needs, one of the objectives of this workshop.


Introduction to the performance genre / Organisation of ideas and conceptualisation / The figure of performer / The audience in the performance / Technical planning and preproduction / Documentary record / Vestiges of performance and derived works / Performance and publications


What is a performance? What should be considered for a performance? What parameters does the performance follow as a work of art? What is the purpose of documenting a performance? Do you have to be a performer to do a performance? How is a performance planned within the context of art?

The objective of this workshop is to resolve these and other questions related to the language of performance as a form of artistic expression. Thus, aspects related to the preproduction and realisation of a performance will be addressed in an overlapping way, such as the space of representation or the duration, the figure of performer, audiences and planning, documentary record, budgets..., and other practical issues for using performance effectively.

COS, ESPAI, TEMPS, LLENGUATGE (BODY, SPACE, TIME, LANGUAGE). Performance Workshop has a structure that is fragmented by subject, with the purpose of providing information on the different forms of managing a performance project and to provide practical tools for its execution, taking into consideration that preparing a plan and prior organisation allow us to make the most of introducing the performance into the area of contemporary art. During the workshop, some of the projects by Joan Morey will be analysed, taking a closer look at the subjects addressed from his professional viewpoint and experience.

Biograhpy of the workshop leader

Joan Morey (Majorca, 1972). Graduate in Fine Arts and with a Diploma in Advanced Studies from the Universitat de Barcelona. His artistic practice explores performance as the main production tool and pushes the standards of this language to the limit with a clear intention: “to force the machine”. This allows him to explore other possibilities of performance, reformulate the methodology used in each project as well as resolve the shortcomings that appear in relation to the production, management and exhibition of the performance within the specific context of contemporary art.

In 2015 he was awarded the MAEC_AECID grant for the residencies programme of Spanish and foreign artists and researchers at The Royal Academy of Spain in Rome. With this grant he developed the project Il Linguaggio del Corpo [The Language of the Body] (Rome, 2015), which is currently on display for the Raw Material exhibition at the Fabra i Coats Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona. Some of his most notable performance projects include: COS SOCIAL [Lliçó d’anatomia] (SOCIAL BODY [Anatomy Lesson], winner of the third edition of the Video Production Award from the Network of Visual Arts Centres of Catalonia, Arts Santa Mònica, the Department of Culture of the Regional Government of Catalonia and LOOP Barcelona (2017); THE CHARACTERS, Museu Es Baluard (Palma de Mallorca, 2015-2016); EL GIR / EL GIRO / THE TURN [Guió obert per a performance col·lectiu], Sis galeria (Sabadell, Barcelona, 2014); NON SERVIAM [GETSEMANÍ], Cal Cego (Barcelona, 2014); CASCANDO_Variations for another dramatic piece, MACBA (Barcelona, 2013); TROMPE-L’OEIL_A piece in two acts, Can Felipa Arts Visuals (Barcelona, 2012); L’ENSINISTRAMENT_Variacions per a actor, iPad i furgó preparat, Fabra i Coats Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona (Barcelona, 2012); THE BLACK LIST (2011), Five Years (London), MUTT (Barcelona) and the Literanta bookshop (Majorca); BAREBACK_el Poder i la Mort, Capella de la Misericòrdia (Mallorca, 2010); GRITOS & SUSURROS_Converses amb els Radicals, La Capella (Barcelona, 2009); «Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu», Performing ARCO (Madrid, 2008); OBEY_Humillados & Ofendidos, CGAC (Santiago de Compostela, 2007-2009); o POSTMORTEM_Projet en Sept Tableaux, the old CASM-Santa Mònica Art Centre (Barcelona, 2006-2007).

Activity organised as part of the Raw Material exhibition being held at the Fabra i Coats Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona.

From 29 January to 2 February 2018
From 17.00 to 20.00
3rd floor. Fabra i Coats Art Factory of Barcelona

Aimed at:
Artists and other people interested in the use of performance as a form of contemporary art production

Free activity with prior registration. Limited places. Closing date for registration: Monday 23 January 2018. Registration required by email to, attaching a short motivation letter and a personal profile.


Il Linguaggio del Corpo [Belvedere] © Joan Morey. Rome, 2015. Project created with the MAEC_AECID grant for the residencies programme of Spanish and foreign artists and researchers at The Royal Academy of Spain in Rome.
