Plaça del Nord

Pl Nord, 3

The square was called Plaça de Joan Fusté during the Spanish Civil War, after an Estat Català party member who died at the start of the war. You can reach it by going up Carrer d’Alzina. It preserves the features and authenticity of village squares: it is still sandy and surrounded by trees. In fact, it is one of the most peaceful squares in Vila de Gràcia.

Plaça dels Lluïsos

The owners of the land, Ramon Martí and Pau Vilaregut, commissioned the architect and urban planner Antoni Rovira i Trias (responsible for a lot of the town planning) to develop this square around 1851. It houses the building owned by Lluïsos de Gràcia, a historical neighbourhood association founded in 1855 and still active today, with over 1,300 members. The La Salle de Gràcia school stands right next to it.

A true square

The square was remodelled several times during the last century. It is partially paved and retains a patch of sand in the middle. The last redevelopment, in 2000, gave it the look it has now, somewhere between a park and a garden with two levels, a mixture of paving and sand, surrounded by tipuanas with patches of grass on one side. You can still see a fountain with a Doric column there, with a relief of the old coat of arms, from when this was a town, separate from Barcelona.

Free time and leisure

  • Gràcia

    la Vila de Gràcia
Pl Nord, 3
la Vila de Gràcia

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