Environment and sustainability
Waste management

Each type of waste has its place
There is a suitable place for each type of waste. State your address and the waste you want to throw out and we’ll tell you the place closest to you and its service times.

Green points
Household Waste and Recycling Centres (green points) are where waste is taken that must not be thrown away in the containers in the street. Locate green points and find out about the different types that exist: Green point of zone, Green point of neighbourhood, mobile Green point, and mobile Green school and electric point.

Household waste
You’ll find collection points suited to the characteristics of each neighbourhood in the city.
Household waste. Cleaning and Waste [Es] Open in a new window

Dead animals
The immediate disposal of dead animals (dogs, cats, pigeons) that are in the street or in a private home is a service addressed to both residents and companies.

Clothing recycling
Recycle your clothes in Roba Amiga's orange containers.

Junk and old furniture disposal
Use the Barcelona disposal of junk and old furniture service: it is a free weekly service. Look up the day and time that corresponds to your street.

Organic waste
The City Council is launching an awareness-raising campaign, as part of the “Zero Waste” initiative, to improve organic-waste collection in Barcelona’s neighbourhoods.

Air quality
Barcelona has a network of pollutant monitoring stations, which enable you to consult the air quality in your immediate surroundings, in real-time. Look them up on the air quality map.

Low Emissions Zone
Barcelona and its surrounding municipalities have a protected area of more than 95 km2 which bans any vehicles that do not bear the DGT’s environmental label. The goal is to improve environmental health and cut emissions. Find out all about it!

Climate shelters
Barcelona has a network of over 200 climate shelters around its various neighbourhoods, to help tackle the cold and the heat. These spaces are aimed at the most vulnerable people, such as the elderly, babies, people with chronic illnesses and those with limited resources. Find out more!

Commitment to the Agenda 2030
Find out about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the environmental, social, economic and institutional fields and get involved.

+Sustainable Barcelona Map
Check out the initiatives under way in Barcelona to make the city more sustainable. Want to help?

Mobility and transport
Find out what services are available to help you get around the city and discover how mobility is changing in Barcelona and becoming healthier, safer, more sustainable and better-connected.

Energia Barcelona
Full information on how to save energy, how to contract it and how to generate it to move towards a more sustainable energy model. Find out too about the services offered by the public metropolitan electricity distributor Barcelona Energia.

Barcelona for the climate
Given the challenge of climate change, Barcelona is adopting measures to mitigate emissions and adapt to all the effects the city is already suffering and will increasing have to deal with. The city is therefore taking a proactive approach to tackle climate change right across the board.

Measure your exposure to noise
On the Strategic Noise Map, you can check out your noise exposure levels according to the acoustic situation of your street.