Personatges i elements festius


The caganer, literally the "crapper" or the "shitter", is one of the most popular and characteristic figures in the pessebre, the Catalan nativity scene.
Literatura carnavalesca

Carnival literature

Carnival literature is expressed through proclamations, sermons, testimonies, speeches, and so on.

Canó de la Barceloneta

The cannon is a very popular piece of artillery in Barceloneta. During a cercavila the cannon fires off pyrotechnic salvoes mixed with sweets.

Christmas verse

One of the many Christmas traditions in Catalonia involves the youngest members of the family reciting a Christmas verse.

Cant de la Sibil·la

In 2010, UNESCO declared the Majorcan representation of the Song of Sibyl a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.


The Carassa -"big face"- is a figure closely linked to the Christmas celebrations in the city. Because of his clothes and features he looks like a Saracen.

Catifes de flors

Flower carpets, are ephemeral artworks traditionally made out of petals and leaves. They ara traditionally linked to the religious feast of Corpus Christi.


The cornamusa or sac de gemecs is a bagpipe-like instrument from the aerophone family of instruments, comprising a small leather bag which serves as an air sac.


The correfoc is a form of street entertainment where the public interact with fire and devils. It take splace in the evening and involves other festival figures like dragons.

Cucanya de la plaça Nova

The cucanya is a popular game that consists of crawling over, or walking across, a greasy beam without falling off, to get the prize at the other end.