Personatges i elements festius


Sant Jordi book

Strict tradition states that on 23 April, or St George's Day, men give roses to their loved ones and the women respond by presenting their beloved a book.


A tió is a thick section of tree trunk for burning and the central part of the most current and yet most ancient of today's Christmas rituals.

Catifes de flors

Flower carpets, are ephemeral artworks traditionally made out of petals and leaves. They ara traditionally linked to the religious feast of Corpus Christi.


One of the most widespread pranks of the Holy Innocents' Day is to hang llufes, a figure of a person normally cut from newspaper.

Nativity scene

The evidence points to the pessebre being introduced in Catalonia on 14th century under the influence of the Franciscans and Dominicans.


The cornamusa or sac de gemecs is a bagpipe-like instrument from the aerophone family of instruments, comprising a small leather bag which serves as an air sac.


Fireworks are closely linked to summer parties, particularly the night of Sant Joan. Barcelona has a long tradition of setting off fireworks throughout this night.


The correfoc is a form of street entertainment where the public interact with fire and devils. It take splace in the evening and involves other festival figures like dragons.

Cucanya de la plaça Nova

The cucanya is a popular game that consists of crawling over, or walking across, a greasy beam without falling off, to get the prize at the other end.