Women and climate
Barcelona wants to promote women's leadership in the fight against climate change. To do so, it has joined the C40 Cities’ Women4Climate (W4C) programme, which aims to promote new climate leadership and raise awareness by carrying out research on gender, cities and climate and highlight the key role played by women in climate action in cities.
The conference “Women: Leading the Fight Against Climate Change” was held in November 2018 and confirmed the key role played by women and the gender perspective in climate projects.
Barcelona already has a number of programmes for the promotion of women's leadership driven by Barcelona Activa (Inicia, Finawomen, Mentoring and other programmes). For this reason, we are working in partnership with these programmes to help women who lead climate change projects achieve their goals and to give them international publicity.
This collaboration has already given rise to 13 innovative projects in a variety of fields driven by 19 women who form part of the programme. Projects to promote greenery and urban nature, sustainable fashion and local shopping or to encourage the reduction of waste are some of the proposals that have been selected.
You can read about them and find out more about the participants here.