Torre Jussana

District: Horta-Guinardó

Neighborhood: la Clota

Av. Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 30 (08035)
How to get there

The Espai Torre Jussana is a service of the Barcelona City Council aimed at providing continuous support to the various forms of associationism in the city of Barcelona. Its mission is to strengthen and raise awareness of associations and other non-profit collective action forms, facilitating empowerment processes to become drivers of a more democratic, fair, egalitarian, and sustainable city. 

It is part of the Directorate of Community Action Services of the Barcelona City Council and, through a civic management agreement, is managed by the Consell d'Associacions de Barcelona (CAB). The 2021-2023 project was approved by the Center Council on September 21, 2021.

Activities carried out there