The Enric Miralles Foundation

The Fundació Enric Miralles is a center for contemporary architecture and research, dedicated to fostering Enric Miralles’ passion for innovation and experimentation in the field of architecture and design.

The foundation opened in 2011, founded by Enric’s family, partner and collaborator Benedetta Tagliabue. Since then, he has participated in cultural projects throughout Barcelona and abroad, following the creative and inventive spirit of Enric Miralles: visionary architect, delicate draftsman, ingenious teacher and devoted promoter of Barcelona’s cultural and urban future.


The Fundació Enric Miralles organizes public exhibitions, publications, workshops and international exchanges dedicated to the development and promotion of innovation through design. The foundation holds the most complete archive of Enric Miralles’ original work and functions as a platform to inspire new generations of architects to experiment and explore.

Our space is located in the center of Barcelona, in the Gothic Quarter. The Enric Miralles Foundation has an exhibition hall, an archive and a series of coworking spaces for students and residences.

Logo Fundació Miralles

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